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Teacher Training

Teaching is wonderful.  No two days are the same and every day you have the opportunity to inspire students and shape young people's lives.  Teaching utilises a wide variety of skills and is a popular career choice for both graduates and career changers.

Find out more about teaching as a career

Get into Teaching is the Department for Education's portal for all information about entering the profession.  Their website includes information about eligibility, training routes, how to arrange pre-application school experience, how to apply for training, fees and funding and salary and benefits.

Pre-Application School Experience

Getting experience in school is essential before applying for Initial Teacher Training.  It will help you decide whether teaching is right for you, by allowing you to watch a range of lessons being taught to different age groups by different teachers, find out more about the pastoral role that schools play and meet and talk to teachers and students about school life.

The Knights Templar School welcomes requests to visit the school to gain pre-application school experience.  Any requests should be emailed to Miss J Spurling, including information about the subject you are interested in teaching and three dates for visits in preference order.

Teacher Training at The Knights Templar School

The Knights Templar School is committed to delivering Initial Teacher Training and developing future teachers and we work with the North Herts School Based Routes and the University of Hertfordshire School of Education to deliver routes into teaching.

North Herts School Based Routes

The Knights Templar School is part of the North Herts School Based Routes which offers teacher training via the School Based Routes programme.

If you are interested in teacher training at The Knights Templar School please contact Miss J Spurling.  Applications are made via UCAS. As Hitchin Boys' School is the lead school within the North Herts School Based Routes, this school's name or the provider code which is '1qy' should be entered under the 'provider' tab.

School Based Routes

School Based Routes 2025/26 Recruitment Cycle (For September 2025 entry)

We work closely with the Department for Education’s School Based training programme for graduates, which offers a route to achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). We are part of  a consortium of five secondary schools covering the areas of Letchworth, Baldock and Hitchin.

We work in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire as our nominated Initial Teacher Training provider. Students spend 4 days per week at their host school and travel one day per week to the University of Herts Hatfield campus for "centre-based training". 

On successful completion of the course, students on the employment based (salaried) route will receive a fully-certificated QTS qualification. Students on the fee-paying PGCE (unsalaried) route will receive QTS with PGCE (and 60 masters level credits). Fees for the PGCE (unsalaried) route for 2024/25 are £9250.

Registration on the programme is subject to the successful outcome of all entry requirements and suitability checks being met. Further information may be found at https:/www.herts.ac.uk/study/schools-of-study/education/initial-teacher-education/school-direct/entry-requirements 

The School Based Routes application cycle (for commencement of training in September 2025) has opened and closes in June 2025. However, we reserve the right to close vacancies early if they are filled before June. Applications should be made on the following website: https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-teacher-training

For more information on the scheme from the University of Hertfordshire please click the following link: https://www.herts.ac.uk/study/schools-of-study/education/initial-teacher-education/school-direct 

University of Hertfordshire School of Education

The Knights Templar School works closely with the University of Hertfordshire School of Education in providing placements for trainee teachers who are completing the university-led Postgraduate Certificate of Education Secondary course.  Further information about this course can be found on the School of Education's website.

The Knights Templar School is proud to be one of a group of schools which deliver the university's School-Led Developing Professional Practice programme and welcomes trainees from a variety of secondary placements on a regular basis to develop their understanding of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Assessment for Learning and differentiation.