Mathematics - Year 7
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Below you will find more specific information about the curriculum in Geography for Year 7 students, explaining to you what students will learn, when, why and how. There is also information about how parents/carers are able to support students in their learning, extra-curricular opportunities in this subject and how it links to other subjects and the wider world.
Subject Key Concepts
#1 Places #2 Atmospheric Processes
#3 Geophysical Processes #4 Population #5 Development
#6 Interdependence #7 Sustainable Futures #8 Geographical Skills
Please click here for Subject Key Concepts.
Curriculum Overview for the Autumn and Spring Term
Useful documents:
Please click here for a PDF of curriculum overview.
While this information covers a broad range of areas, please do get in touch with the Subject Leader Mrs Flockton if you have any questions.
Please click on the questions below to find out more.
How are groups organised?
We organise our classes by mixed ability. The students have three one-hour lessons per fortnight.
What characteristics does a successful student have in this subject?
The most successful students in this subject will enjoy learning about different people, places and cultures. Students will be keen to develop their map skills. They will show an awareness of geographical issues within continents such as Africa.
How will students learn at this level?
- Teacher-led explanations
- Group work
- Independent research through books, internet and journals
- Drawing and labelling diagrams
- Model making
- Watching video clips
- Sequencing the formation of features
- Note taking
- Analysis of information to answer questions about people or places
- Creating and analysing maps and data
How will students’ learning be assessed at this level?
Topic 1- Map Skills
You will complete a baseline assessment at the beginning of the topic so your teacher can find out what you already know about map skills. You will then be assessed by an end-of-topic test made up of multiple-choice, short and long-answer questions.
Topic 2- Rivers
You will be assessed by a research project exploring the formation and use of Niagara Falls.
Topic 3- Africa
You will be assessed by an end-of-topic test made up of multiple-choice, short and long-answer questions.
When do key assessments take place?
Topic 1- Map Skills
- The test for this topic takes place in December.
Topic 2- Rivers
- The project takes place between February half term and the Easter holidays.
Topic 3- Africa
- The end of topic test will take place shortly before the summer holidays.
How can parents/carers support students’ learning?
- Encourage you to keep up with news events around the world related to the topics you are studying with a particular focus on rivers and Africa.
- Encourage you to take pride in your work and make sure that notes in your book or folder are useful and in order.
- Encourage you to research events or processes in further detail using the internet, documentaries or other sources.
- Give feedback and suggestions when completing homework tasks, revision and assessed projects.
- Encourage you to watch TV programmes with a geographical focus, e.g. look out for Geoggle Box.
- Visit a variety of places (local or further afield) and take an interest in their physical and human characteristics.
What equipment do students need for this subject?
Essential school equipment
Colouring pencils
How does this subject link to other subjects?
- Maths- use of graphical and statistical skills
- Art- drawing skills
- History- ability to interpret photos or other figures
- English- extended writing and use of good spelling, punctuation and grammar
- Food- calculating food miles and the pros and cons of food imports from Africa.
- Physics- hydro-electricity production at Niagara Falls.
What websites or resources may be helpful to support students’ learning?
- BBC Bitesize (KS3):
- Geography All The Way:
- Map quiz web site:
- Google Earth Download:
- Environment Agency website:
What extra-curricular or enrichment opportunities are available for students in this subject at this level?
What sort of careers can this subject lead to?
As it is such a wide-ranging subject, Geography can open up a wide range of careers for you! See the website below for more information:
What does student work look like in this subject at this level?
How does this subject support a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of all students, and developing traditional core skills?
How does this subject promote creativity, critical thinking, practice, perseverance and resilience, and making links?